Sunday, 14 January 2018


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You might have heard someone saying its never possible to lose weight just in 9 days and that has kept you thinking whether it is true or not, i hope this testimonies will clear all the doubts in your mind.

It is never too late to work on your weight and belly fat if Miss. Gifty has done it meaning you can equally do it. it is not just about loosing and burning your belly fat but the other health benefits that you get from using this wonderful products.

Why do you want to loose weight?
Why do you want to flatten your belly?
+Why do you want beautiful shape and nice skin?

it is not over until you win!!!
loose weight naturally in 9 days whiles you look younger than your age without any side effects
call  or whatsapp +233265264187

Madam Paullet shared her testimony with us:
Am so much happy to share my testimony before i started with forever C9 pack I've already tried about 4 different products from different companies and none of it worked for me. So i didn't believe in this products when i first saw the advert on the internet, i thought they were just advertising the 9 days weight loss just to get more customers because I've used different products for months and i didn't work, so i didn't even call to find out until one day a friend of my whom i know to be very fat than myself visited me and she was looking so beautiful and has lost so much weight, i ask of her secret and she told me about this 9 days weight loss thing so i decided to give it a try and you can't believe it my bloated tummy just vanish after using c9 for 9 days. Now my husband is very happy and proud of me. I will recommend this products to anyone who wants to lose weight and look more beautiful. It is possible you can.

                                    call or whatsapp +233265264187

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1.       Burns Fats at the Tummy and Arms  2.        Reduces Cholesterol Levels
    3.   Blocks the absorption of Calories from Fat and Carbohydrates
    4It’s a natural appetite suppressant that makes you have the feeling of satiety (satisfied)
   5.   It reduces ageing process helping you  to look more younger than your age

                                           CLEAN 9

Clean9 (C9) is a weight management program that lasts for 9days and helps you shed weight in areas like your tummy, thighs, arms and all over. It works within 9days and won’t need to continue if you aren’t so big. One would lose between 5-10kg with one pack in 9 days. .
Clean9 is made up of strictly natural ingredients.
Has No negative side effects and detoxifies you as well.
Clean9 (C9) is a Natural Fat loss pack and it contains the following components:
  • 2 bottles of Aloe Vera Gel which detoxifies and aids digestive health;
  • Lite Ultra with Aminotein ( Meal Replacement Shake) that curbs hunger and is a complete meal at just 90calories;
  • 1 bottle of Garcina Plus Capsule that aid breakdown of body fat and inhibits conversion of carbohydrates to fat;
  • Therm help boost your energy levels and kick-start metabolism, helping you on your weight-loss journey
  • Fibre Pack which help to support your optimal health and digestive function naturally
  • A booklet that gives guidance on how to embark on this 9day program.

5 Surefire Reasons why This Program is For You
* If you are tired of using the gym to get rid of excess ugly fat and its not working for you
* If you have lots of dresses you have abandoned in your wardrobe just because of your bigger size and they no longer fit anymore.
* If you’re the type with Fat thigh, love handles, fat around your arms or If you want to get a flatter belly and get back your amazing body
* If your colleague at work or your neighbor had in one time or the other laughed at you making jokes or comment on your Fat chubby belly and you want this to end
* If you are a very busy type that goes to work very early (like 5.30am) and return back home late in the night (9 or 10pm) and you are looking for a very easy but effective fat loss program with results then Clean 9  


F15 Advanced 1 & 2 - Vanilla

F15 Advanced 1 & 2 - Vanilla
Take the next step in looking and feeling better with F15. Choose the level that’s right for you (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and enjoy a fifteen-day nutrition and exercise programme that will transform your lifestyle.

Take the next step to looking and feeling better; it doesn’t matter if you are just getting started, or if you’re already an expert, F15 has beginner, intermediate or advanced nutrition and exercise programmes to help you on your fitness and weight management journey. Each fifteen-day programme has been specially designed to provide you with the knowledge that you need to get inspired, help you make permanent changes toward a healthier lifestyle, and continue in your transformation.

N.B. For comprehensive instructions use the step-by-step F15 booklet provided in this pack​.

Pack contains:
2 x 1 litre bottles Forever Aloe Vera Gel
1 x Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein (Vanilla)
1 x Forever Therm (30 tablets)
1 x Forever Garcinia Plus (90 softgels)
1 x Forever Fiber (15 packets)
Information booklet

CALL OR WHATSAPP +233265264187

What Causes Overweight and Obesity?

Lack of Energy Balance

A lack of energy balance most often causes overweight and obesity. Energy balance means that your energy IN equals your energy OUT.
Energy IN is the amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks. Energy OUT is the amount of energy your body uses for things like breathing, digesting, and being physically active.
To maintain a healthy weight, your energy IN and OUT don't have to balance exactly every day. It's the balance over time that helps you maintain a healthy weight.

  • The same amount of energy IN and energy OUT over time = weight stays the same
  • More energy IN than energy OUT over time = weight gain
  • More energy OUT than energy IN over time = weight loss
Overweight and obesity happen over time when you take in more calories than you use.

Other Causes

An Inactive Lifestyle

Many Americans aren't very physically active. One reason for this is that many people spend hours in front of TVs and computers doing work, schoolwork, and leisure activities. In fact, more than 2 hours a day of regular TV viewing time has been linked to overweight and obesity.
Other reasons for not being active include: relying on cars instead of walking, fewer physical demands at work or at home because of modern technology and conveniences, and lack of physical education classes in schools.
People who are inactive are more likely to gain weight because they don't burn the calories that they take in from food and drinks. An inactive lifestyle also raises your risk for coronary heart diseasehigh blood pressure, diabetes, colon cancer, and other health problems.



Our environment doesn't support healthy lifestyle habits; in fact, it encourages obesity. Some reasons include:
  • Lack of neighborhood sidewalks and safe places for recreation. Not having area parks, trails, sidewalks, and affordable gyms makes it hard for people to be physically active.
  • Work schedules. People often say that they don't have time to be physically active because of long work hours and time spent commuting.
  • Oversized food portions. Americans are exposed to huge food portions in restaurants, fast food places, gas stations, movie theaters, supermarkets, and even at home. Some of these meals and snacks can feed two or more people. Eating large portions means too much energy IN. Over time, this will cause weight gain if it isn't balanced with physical activity.
  • Lack of access to healthy foods. Some people don't live in neighborhoods that have supermarkets that sell healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Or, for some people, these healthy foods are too costly.
  • Food advertising. Americans are surrounded by ads from food companies. Often children are the targets of advertising for high-calorie, high-fat snacks and sugary drinks. The goal of these ads is to sway people to buy these high-calorie foods, and often they do.


Genes and Family History

Studies of identical twins who have been raised apart show that genes have a strong influence on a person's weight. Overweight and obesity tend to run in families. Your chances of being overweight are greater if one or both of your parents are overweight or obese.
Your genes also may affect the amount of fat you store in your body and where on your body you carry the extra fat. Because families also share food and physical activity habits, a link exists between genes and the environment.

Children adopt the habits of their parents. A child who has overweight parents who eat high-calorie foods and are inactive will likely become overweight too. However, if the family adopts healthy food and physical activity habits, the child's chance of being overweight or obese is reduced.

Health Conditions

Some hormone problems may cause overweight and obesity, such as underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
Underactive thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't make enough thyroid hormone. Lack of thyroid hormone will slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain. You'll also feel tired and weak.
Cushing's syndrome is a condition in which the body's adrenal glands make too much of the hormone cortisol. Cushing's syndrome also can develop if a person takes high doses of certain medicines, such as prednisone, for long periods.
People who have Cushing's syndrome gain weight, have upper-body obesity, a rounded face, fat around the neck, and thin arms and legs.
PCOS is a condition that affects about 5–10 percent of women of childbearing age. Women who have PCOS often are obese, have excess hair growth, and have reproductive problems and other health issues. These problems are caused by high levels of hormones called androgens.


Certain medicines may cause you to gain weight. These medicines include some corticoste roids, antidepressants, and seizure medicines.
These medicines can slow the rate at which your body burns calories, increase your appetite, or cause your body to hold on to extra water. All of these factors can lead to weight gain.

Emotional Factors

Some people eat more than usual when they're bored, angry, or stressed. Over time, overeating will lead to weight gain and may cause overweight or obesity.


Some people gain weight when they stop smoking. One reason is that food often tastes and smells better after quitting smoking.
Another reason is because nicotine raises the rate at which your body burns calories, so you burn fewer calories when you stop smoking. However, smoking is a serious health risk, and quitting is more important than possible weight gain.



As you get older, you tend to lose muscle, especially if you're less active. Muscle loss can slow down the rate at which your body burns calories. If you don't reduce your calorie intake as you get older, you may gain weight.
Midlife weight gain in women is mainly due to aging and lifestyle, but menopause also plays a role. Many women gain about 5 pounds during menopause and have more fat around the waist than they did before.


During pregnancy, women gain weight to support their babies’ growth and development. After giving birth, some women find it hard to lose the weight. This may lead to overweight or obesity, especially after a few pregnancies.


Lack of Sleep

Research shows that lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity. For example, one study of teenagers showed that with each hour of sleep lost, the odds of becoming obese went up. Lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity in other age groups as well.
People who sleep fewer hours also seem to prefer eating foods that are higher in calories and carbohydrates, which can lead to overeating, weight gain, and obesity.
Sleep helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don't get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you're well-rested.
Sleep also affects how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) level. Lack of sleep results in a higher than normal blood sugar level, which may increase your risk for diabetes.


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Obesity not only leads to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer but also can dampen your sex life. It can lead to lack of sexual stamina, sexual dysfunction and hormonal imbalance.

Also the medicines you take for various diseases that go hand-in-hand with obesity like diabetes, heart disease and hypertension can lead to lack of libido and erectile dysfunction among other sex-related problems. With 1.5 billion people around the world in the overweight category, sex-related concerns of obesity is a situation various healthcare services will have to deal with sooner than later. Here are the top ten ways obesity can harm your sex life:


Did you know that obese men are far likelier to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotency? Problems associated with obesity like high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes prevent efficient blood flow to all parts of the body including the penis, thus causing issues with erection. Various studies have shown that even losing a little amount of weight can help beat the condition.


Obesity is directly linked to hormonal imbalance and lower testosterone levels, which in turn can inhibit sexual desires in both men and women. Another issue is that increased body fat leads to more sex hormone binding globulins (SHBG) in the system. SHBG is a natural chemical that binds to testosterone, which means that there is less of the sex hormone left to handle the demands of a normal sex life. There has also been evidence to suggest that obesity in young boys can lead to fatigue and development of male breasts. In young girls it can lead to PCOD, irregular menstrual cycle and thyroid problems.


In women, obesity leads to abnormalities in their eggs that make them harder to fertilise. Brigham and Women’s Hospital infertility researchers examined nearly 300 eggs that failed to fertilise during IVF and found obese women’s eggs were likelier to have chromosomal abnormalities. It also causes excess insulin production and PCOD (a condition where the periods are irregular and ovaries produce small, immature eggs instead of healthy mature ones). Obese women are also likely to suffer from failed pregnancies and miscarriages than regular weighing ones. Here is how to combat vaginal dryness naturally to have pleasurable sex.

In men, obesity is directly linked to infertility because of the way it affects sperm. Research has found that men who consume a fatty diet have lower quality of sperm. Men consuming more saturated fats had 35 percent lower total sperm count and 38 percent lower sperm concentration than men who ate healthier.


People who are heavy, particularly in the central abdomen area tend to suffer from a host of diseases which can affect their sex lives in various ways. This can be due to physiological or psychological reasons or due to medicines taken for the disease. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, depression, dementia and other ailments all affect your sexual functioning. In fact, one of the most tell-tale symptoms of diabetes is erectile dysfunction. Medicines too, ranging from anti-depressants to those used to treat heart conditions, high blood pressure and cholesterol can lead to sexual issues like impotence,  decreased sex drive, ejaculation problems and even delayed or no orgasms.  Here’s a complete list of medicines that can affect your sexual life.


Folds of abdominal fat and skin in obese men make the penis look rather small or even ‘buried’ at times. Called the ‘buried penis syndrome’, it can seriously hamper sex lives. This however, should not be confused with the ‘micropenis’ which is a condition where the erect penis measures less than 3 inches. This is mostly a congenital disorder in children and can affect around 0.6% of the male population.


Since obese people are likely to have less sex than the others, they are likelier to exhibit high-risk sexual behaviour. An American study found that obese women were four times likelier to have unplanned pregnancies because they’re less likely to be prepared for intercourse. They are also less likely to use oral or other forms of contraceptives. A French study found a similar situation among obese men despite having lesser sexual partners.


Sadly, the sheer logistics of sex can change when one or both partners are fat and can make coitus in some positions particularly hard. The popular missionary position is out-of-bounds if the male partner is too heavy. And if both partners are obese, then the central abdominal area can prevent proper penetration. The rear entry style which is more popular among the obese can also cause problems because the woman usually has to spend a long amount of time on her knees. Spooning, a sex position where partners lie side by side is also hard for fat people. However, fat people shouldn’t fret and there are multitudes of positions that they can try with their partners.  Here’s a great article I came across about modified sex positions.


Let’s face it – we live in a society that judges us by our looks and obese people are always going to find it harder looking for a partner. The problem is even graver in a country like ours where it is okay for a man to be obese if he has a high-paying job or is from a rich family whereas it is almost impossible to find a groom for a ‘fat girl’.


We live in a society where obese people are routinely made fun of and termed as ‘lazy’, ‘stupid’, ‘dumb’ or ‘slow’. This kind of segregation starts when a person is very young and obesity becomes the defining characteristic of an individual irrespective of her other qualities. This labelling sticks for life and anyone who has faced childhood obesity is likely to develop very low self-esteem. This promotes a negative body image which makes obese people uncomfortable in their skins. How can you be comfortable having sex, if all your life you’ve been told you’re ugly? Also various studies have shown obese people are far likelier to suffer from depression and other mental health problems which reduce libido and are likely to cause sexual dysfunction.


Obesity is often associated with laziness and a sedentary lifestyle. And this may often percolate into their sex lives as well. In men, it will also significantly decrease the time they can maintain an erection.

To sum it up, I don’t want to seem harsh pointing out how being fat or obese can harm your sex life. I was grossly obese myself and still continue to face multiple body image issues. But the fact remains that you can improve your sex life by simply losing a few pounds. And this will not only benefit your sex life but your overall health and well-being as well. What you’ve to realise is that the entire situation is in your own hand; you’re in control of your weight and you can choose to lose it whenever your 
heart desires.


                        VITAL 5
Vital 5 is a set of natural products in a package that basically has a powerful libido enhancer which boost your sexual drive as well as fertility in men who have suffered from impotency for a long time. The products have the most powerful erectile function that gives you a long lasting erection enabling you to produce harder and longer to reach the satisfaction of both partners during Sexual intercourse. It contains l-arginine that promotes a healthy blood flow through the blood vessels, heart and the sex organ enabling it to stay stronger and harder increasing your sexual arousal as well. it moreover helps to produce the most quality and quantity of sperm mobility whiles increasing energy level,stamina,endurance and eliminating fatigue. Making you look younger and younger because of its anti-ageing properties. The products also help to increase the size of the organ gradually. This products are able to give you the best of satisfaction so far as sexual weakness is concern and it has no side effects.



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    The POWER 5  (P5) products are five selected powerful natural products for people looking forward to have a very healthy sexual satisfaction to the ultimate without any side effects of any kind, it works perfectly on people suffering from Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Low sexual drive and Libido, Long lasting Erection, Impotency, etc... 
  P5 products boosts your energy level, stamina, endurance, eliminates fatigue, incease blood flow from the brain to all body parts giving to strong erection to go extra mile.



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Maca is used to correct hormonal imbalances in women which are responsible for symptoms of PMS/PMT and menopause such as abdominal cramps, acne, low blood sugar (cravings), hot flashes, and depression (from low estrogen). Because maca stimulates your body to produce the right quantities of hormones, you can be less reliant on hormone pills or injections which can have long-term negative effects.

Because modern women often juggle work, children, and housework for years on end, fatigue is a common problem that seriously detracts from productivity and enjoyment of life. Maca can help by improving your stamina and ability to cope with stress.



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C9 is a wonderful set of products that helps you to lose weight and get rid of your pot belly in a very natural way without any side effects within days.  The Unique thing about C9 products is that, It has adaptogenic properties that allows it concentrate at areas where there is high fat  concentration in your system and fights it out, so if you have more belly fat or arm, etc it gets rid of it. It helps to control your appetite by Acting as an appetite suppressant, it contains chromium that controls your sugar level, Aids the cleansing of your Digestive system and detoxification of your body, it helps you to inhibit the production of calories from Fat and carbohydrate and storage of excess fat in your system, so naturally you will loose a very healthy weight and burn all your belly fat within 9 days without any side effects.


                                     ALOE VERA GEL

Aloe Vera Gel is a Nutritional supplement containing over 200 different compounds, 75 nutrients , 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins. The basic functions of Aloe Vera Gel are ; 1.Detoxify the body,

2. Lower high cholesterol,
3. Supports immune system,
4. Stabilize blood sugar,
5. Hydrates the skin,
6 Reduces high blood pressure and many more

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                 GARCINIA CAMBOGIA
Garcinia Plus is a revolutionary nutritional supplement containing a number of ingredients that may contribute to weight loss, when combined with moderate exercise and a healthy diet. The primary ingredient is a natural substance derived from the fruit of a southern Asian tree called the garcinia cambogia, also known as the malabar tamarind. The fruit of the garcinia is about the size of an orange,but is more like a pumpkin in appearance. For centuries, this fruit has been used for culinary and medical purposes in southern India and in Thailand.
During the normal metabolism of a meal, carbohydrate calories that are not used immediately for energy or stored as glycogen, are converted into fats in the liver. Garcinia works by inhibiting the enzyme (citrate liase) which converts these calories into fat. As a result, the body will burn existing fat stores, so helping to lose weight.
When enough glycogen has been created and stored in the liver, a message is sent to the brain, indicating sufficient food has been taken. Another significant ingredient is chromium picolinate. Unfortunately, chromium can be rare in modern diets. Sugar and exercise also cause the body to use more of the limited amount consumed. Three Garcinia Plus capsules yield 300mcg of chromium, correcting this common deficiency. Chromium helps break down sugar for the body to use, and helps maintain correct blood pressures, whilst a deficiency can lead to high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Thus chromium deficiency causes fatigue and excess fat production, and is a major contributor to heart disease and diabetes.
The two final ingredients are: medium chain triglycerides (MCT) and safflower oil. These are called ‘healthy fats’ or ‘fatless fats’ and help to protect the heart, keep the blood vessels flexible and have been shown to be important for overall cardiovascular health.
Garinia Plus boosts the metabolic rate, so the body burns these oils for quick energy. These oils energise the body so quickly making Garcinia Plus a marvellous supplement for all athletes and sports enthusiasts. The added benefits of these healthy oils include their contribution to healthy skin, hair and nails.
In summary, Garcinia Plus is designed to reduce the rate of conversion of dietary carbohydrate calories to fat, lower the production of both cholesterol and fatty acids and aid natural metabolism.
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Forever Therm™ is a powerful, supportive formula to help boost your energy levels and kick-start metabolism, helping you on your weight-loss journey. Starting on a weight management program can be a daunting task, and the road to meeting your goals may seem arduous and lengthy. Beginning a healthy, calorie-controlled diet, and establishing a regular pattern of exercise, are two major steps that will carry you through your journey to success. There are additional tools that can help support your endeavors. Forever Therm™ is designed to help accelerate your weight loss efforts so you see results faster and achieve your ultimate desired shape and weight loss goals. With a unique combination of botanical extracts and nutrients, Forever Therm™ can help boost your metabolism, to maximize your efforts.

Green Tea extract provides the metabolic – and antioxidant – support of powerful polyphenol compounds known as catechins, which have been well-researched for their support of thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the burning of fat to produce energy in the cells of the body. Forever Therm™ also provides natural caffeine-related alkaloids from Guarana seed extract to help support energy levels during your workouts and busy day. Studies show that Green Tea is synergistic with natural caffeine to support thermogenesis.

Green Coffee bean extract provides unique compounds – chlorogenic acids – not found in high levels in roasted coffee beans. These active constituents are shown to help to support normal blood sugar levels for those already in the normal range. Such effects can help to control cravings as well as dips in energy levels.

The perfect partners for this trio of metabolic-support botanicals are Raspberry Ketones, and a full complement of B vitamins with Vitamin C. Research indicates that Raspberry Ketones may help to support the metabolism of fat, which can be used by the body for energy production. B vitamins and Vitamin C are essential in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Since these vitamins are readily depleted during times of physical stress – such as during exercise – replenishment is important and can play a role in metabolic support.

Of course, the foundation for any successful weight management program is maintaining a healthy diet and obtaining adequate exercise. Forever Therm™ provides a powerful combination of botanical extracts and nutrients to support energy and metabolism and help you achieve your goals.

  • • May boost metabolism to help you achieve your weight management goals, when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.
  • • Provides powerful botanicals and nutrients to help support thermogenesis
                                                          FOREVER FIBER

Forever Fiber™ provides 5 grams of quick-dissolving fiber in a convenient stickpack to support a healthy diet. Experts recommend that we consume up to 30 grams of fiber daily for optimal health and digestive function, yet sadly, most people only consume approximately half that amount. Our search for convenience in the foods we eat means that we aren’t obtaining the adequate amounts of fiber that we need to support our health. Forever Fiber™ is a proprietary blend of four types of fiber, and offers a convenient way to add some extra fiber to your diet – by sprinkling on the foods you eat, mixing with Forever Aloe Vera Gel® or other beverage, or adding to your water bottle when you are on the go!

While we often associate fiber with supporting digestive function – and this is certainly very true – fiber provides significant benefits to the body overall. Forever Fiber™, taken between meals, can help to support feelings of fullness, thereby controlling appetite and cravings, and caloric intake. This is especially important for those on a weight management program, when used with a healthy diet and regular exercise. By also helping to support normal blood sugar levels already in the normal range, and slow the absorption of macronutrients from our foods, fiber can also help limit feelings of sluggishness or low energy after we eat.

Fiber has been shown to support cardiovascular function and, of course, because scientists now recognize that up to 70% or 80% of immune function in the body is associated with the gastrointestinal tract, fiber may help to support the immune system via its benefits for digestive function. Adequate soluble fiber intake can facilitate removal of waste products from the body and may help to relieve occasional constipation.

Forever Fiber™ makes it easy to add more fiber to your diet by providing 5 grams of soluble fiber in each stickpack. That is the equivalent of almost 1 ½ cups brown rice or 2 slices of whole wheat toast – without the carbohydrates and calories! Forever Fiber™ is a convenient way to increase your overall daily fiber intake and optimize your health.


• 5 grams of fiber per stickpack

• Designed to provide a convenient way to support optimal fiber intake
• Readily dissolves in water, Forever Aloe Vera Gel®, or other beverages.
• Quick-dissolving, mild-tasting, grit-free, and gluten-free
                                                    FOREVER LITE ULTRA
If you are really serious about losing weight then I highly recommend Forever Livings Lite Ultra Shakes as the best meal replacement shake available online.
So what’s so interesting about the Forever meal replacement shake diet and why is it great for weight loss?
Introducing the new and improved Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein . Now with fewer carbohydrates and higher protein content, Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein still contains 100% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamins and minerals and is available in delicious new Vanilla and Chocolate  flavours.
What is so different? Well for one, Forever Living’s new and improved Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein has the complete and total benefits of soy protein. Emerging science has revealed that soy protein alone can provide some unique advantages over using the combination of whey and soy.

What Are The Forever Lite Ultra  Benefits?

  • Naturally flavoured without any artificial products
  • Ideal for weight management
  • Supports healthy muscle & heart
  • Promotes energy & long lasting stamina
  • Aids digestion & absorption of amino acids
  • Two shakes provide 100% RDI of numerous vitamins and minerals
Many clinical research studies have found that 25g of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, can likely lower the risk of heart disease. Two shakes made with Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein® give you 34 grams of protein from soy.
Soy protein can also likely support exercise performance. Because it is such a high quality protein, it is also effective for muscle-building.
As the name suggests, the other difference about Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein® is… Aminotein, a unique blend of enzymes. It is specifically designed to help break down protein and to assist proper digestion and optimal absorption of amino acids.
Two servings a day of Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein®, mixed with skim milk as directed, provide you 100% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for the vitamins and minerals shown in the Nutrition Facts section  below. Forever Lite Ultra® with Aminotein® supplies 18 important amino acids, including essential, non-essential and the branch-chain amino acids. Make Forever Lite Ultra part of your healthy diet.
Forever Lite Ultra™ with Aminotein® is also part of our weight management programs. It will  provide you with the nutrition you need while putting you on the path to effective and sustained weight management!